Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Great Squirrel Hunt

One night, Jeff came home from work, went into the scrapbook room and saw a squirrel running around the room. He quickly shut the door to trap the varmint. I did not believe him until Mom told me she had seen a squirrel sitting on the front fountain when she went out to get the paper. With the door open, the squirrel decided to go into the air-conditioned house. Jeff got his fishing net and flashlight. Dad got his laundry basket and broomstick. Mom was brave and came into the room and stood up on a chair to take pictures..(like squirrels can't climb) We tried to scare the varmint out but it was in hiding. Jeff decided to bring Maggie the killer dog into the room to flush out the critter. Maggie was so excited to be in the house she did not even notice the squirrel scent. Next we tried to bribe the furry one with grapes and nuts, but no luck. Mom and I began to doubt Jeff's eyesight and decided there was no squirrel. We shut the door and went to bed hoping Jeff was seeing shadows. The next day, Jeff again saw the squirrel running across the desk. Again we tried to flush him out but no luck. Finally Dad had a brainstorm and opened the windows and propped open the screens. The squirrel saw freedom and left the house sometime during the day. Now Mom does not have to sleep standing on a chair in the dining room.
Dad and Jeff ready to catch the squirrel.
Mom showing us what a squirrel looks and sounds like.
Last sighting of the squirrel

1 comment:

Angie said...

Killer Maggie? Who came up with that? Boy I wish I were there to see that. Love, Camryn