Thursday, July 24, 2008

July 2008 Activities

Grandpa Haney priming his water pump to water his lawn and garden. Notice he is wearing sweat pants.....I was really proud.
Sorry you have to look sideways.....These are the same bleachers where after giving mom her engagement ring, she sat and watched my play a softball game while holding hands with her old boyfriend.
This is the field where I gave Debbie her engagement ring....after which I umpired an American Legion baseball game.....Pretty romantic..
Izzy and Scout taking time to smell the flowers in Grandma's front yard.
Grey sharing his watermellen with Grandpa
Grey eating watermellen the no-hands method
Izzy, Scout and Grey enjoying a watermellen evening
Swimming in Grandma's back yard
Grey with his corn on the cob
Grey after his corn on the cob.....getting a bath in the kitchen sink
Grandpa Haney talking with Gary at the reunion
Debbie and friends
Debbie and younger friends
Dar and his family joined us for breakfast....Dar got a little more than he bargained for
Grandma and Bennie at the reunion

Hi Everyone,

We finally have a day off from activity to sit down and update the blog. We have had a busy last couple of weeks. We packed and got ready to go to beautiful Nat Yo Pa Idaho for the Haney family reunion which Debbie was in charge of. We took Grandma with us and left her beside the freeway and hope her brother would find her and keep her for a few days. She stayed with her brother Floyd in Wendell while we attended the reunion. Debbie was very busy at the reunion as the organizer, the photographer, and the socializer. I visited with those I knew and made one new friend. I helped with setup and dishes and went for a long walk until I met up with four dogs who did not want me walking past their house. I turned around at that point and decided to sit on a small culvert pipe and rest before starting back the three miles or so I had come. As I sat down on the culvert to rest, I must have disturbed a rattle snake who was in the culvert to get out of the sun. He, (or she.....who knows) came slithering out between my legs. It was about three feet long and motivated me to get moving on my return walk. We packed up on Sunday, drove over to look at the new Twin Falls Temple and picked Grandma up at the side of the freeway. We left the camper at Floyds and went on up to Ontario. We left Grandma at her sisters home and got a motel room in Ontario. We spent three good days there visiting and going through family histories, sorting pictures and making copies of pictures and documents. We spent a day with Neva and Bennie, two nights with Dar and Kathy, and a day with Bob. Debbie bought a recorder and got her dad talking about his growing up years. We have never heard him talk as he did. He talked for about four hours. Debbie was able to clear up some stories, heard new stories and it was really interesting and enjoyable to sit there and listen to Grandpa Haney.
I took a few hours to go around Ontario and try to recall memories of my youth. I took a few pictures and recorded some of my thoughts. I am going to try to work on my history this year.
We packed up and grabbed Grandma and came home. We had the opportunity to take care of Mike and Ali's kids for a week and really enjoyed it. It was good to bond with them. Today is the 24th of July and my summer is almost over. Here are some pictures to update our past couple of weeks.


Kim Bringhurst said...

I love the Grampa and Grey watermelon picture! And I wish I would have been able to sit down with Grandpa Mathewson and a recorder...

Ali said...

What a great vacation! Thanks for watching the kids for us. They all had so much fun with Grandma and papa and Grandma Great! Deb I need you to e-mail me all those great photos you took of the kids. They are so cute!